Website Development Services

Boost Your Online Presence and Convert Visitors into Loyal Customers with a High-Performance Website

Elevate Your Brand Authority with Exceptional Web Design

In today’s digital era, staying connected with your customers and prospects is essential for leveraging new markets and expanding your business. With approximately 4.57 billion active internet users worldwide, representing 59 percent of the global population, the online community is vast. Among these users, 53 percent conduct research before engaging with a brand to make informed decisions.

According to a study by Episerver, 92 percent of consumers visit a brand’s website with various intentions beyond purchasing. These activities include researching products or services, comparison shopping, and reading business reviews. This data indicates that consumers rarely make impulse purchases, emphasizing the importance of providing valuable information and a positive online experience to guide their decision-making process.

In the vast global marketplace, online shoppers naturally assess and compare brands to find the best offerings, prices, and features. Without a web presence, you miss the opportunity to connect with your target audience and promote your brand. Build consumer trust and gain market referrals with an interactive, custom web page design.

Superior Web Design Represents Your Company and Grows Your Business

Creating a digital presence goes beyond simply building a website and waiting for customers to find your brand. Your website is the cornerstone of your company’s online presence, serving as your primary customer touchpoint and conversion tool. Therefore, it’s essential to ensure it ranks high in search engines, stands out from the competition, and meets your visitors’ needs.

Statistics show that 94 percent of first impressions are influenced by website design and navigation. Search engines also prioritize websites with responsive designs and well-structured content. Additionally, 75 percent of site credibility is derived from web page design.

As a business owner, maintaining a responsive website design is crucial to appealing to both search engines and online users. It’s vital that your target customers see a legitimate business platform when they search for your company online. Otherwise, you risk losing their trust and discouraging them from engaging with your brand.

Invest in responsive website design to build trust and confidence in your brand. Our web design company offers SEO-friendly website design services to boost your search rankings, increase online visibility, and convert visitors into paying customers.

Schedule a consultation with our website design agency today and let us help you create a web page design that drives qualified traffic and enhances your conversion rate.

Why Your Business Needs Responsive Web Design

Future-Proof Your Website and Increase Your Mobile Traffic

Still unsure about creating a website or optimizing your current design? Whether you own a startup or a large enterprise, having a responsive website design is essential to promote your brand and establish a strong digital presence in today’s competitive marketplace.

Many businesses have embraced responsive web design to attract more visitors and enhance conversion opportunities. However, despite its growing popularity, some companies still rely on static web page designs. Don't fall behind the competition. Invest in personalized web design services to provide the best possible online experience for your target customers.

Statistics indicate there are approximately 3.5 billion smartphone users worldwide. An eMarketer survey also found that adults in the U.S. spend an average of 2 hours and 55 minutes daily on their mobile devices. With the increasing prevalence of mobile usage across various demographics, it's crucial to optimize your web design to cater to a diverse range of internet users.


Competitive Advantages of Responsive Web Design

A multitude of different screen sizes exists across devices, making it crucial for your web page design to adapt seamlessly to any screen size, both now and in the future. Responsive website design ensures your website meets customer needs and works effectively on any device they use.

Here are more reasons why New Window’s web design services are worth your investment:

  1. Boost Search Rankings

    Search engines recognize site speed, usability, and web content as key indicators of a website’s value. SEO-optimized websites with responsive web design rise in both branded and unbranded searches. With our WordPress website design services, you can ensure your site adheres to search engine guidelines and achieves high usability scores.

  2. Reduce Maintenance Cost

    Responsive website design requires only one version of your website optimized for all devices. This eliminates the time-consuming process of coding for various systems and streamlines your site development and management. More importantly, mobile responsive web page design reduces your web development and maintenance costs.

  3. Get Found Online

    Investing in conversion-centered web design services is a cost-effective way to build your web presence and boost your online exposure. A well-optimized website gains more visibility and attracts the right audience. Partner with our web design agency to ensure your business is seen by your ideal customers at the right time, using any device and browser.

  4. Acquire More Leads and Traffic

    An eMarketer report revealed that 69 percent of consumers use their smartphones to perform product research. This accounts for 52.6 percent of global web traffic from mobile devices. Our web design company places trust signals on your website and optimizes it for mobile and browser compatibility, transforming it into a lead generation machine.

  5. Reach More Customers

    Mobile web browsing has surpassed desktop as the preferred choice for internet users. Comscore data shows that 70 percent of total digital media time in the U.S. is spent on smartphones. Invest in our WordPress website design services to get a responsive website that provides a positive experience to online users, regardless of device.

  6. Drive More Conversions

    According to Smart Insights, the global retail conversion rate on mobile devices is 1.82 percent. Capitalize on our WordPress website design services to increase your site’s mobile-friendliness and boost your conversion rate. Responsive web design not only moves your customers through the sales funnel but also complements your social media marketing and pay-per-click advertising campaigns.

  7. Optimize Page Experience

    Six out of ten shoppers indicate that a website’s mobile shopping capability is critical in brand selection. With 30 percent of Google searches conducted from mobile phones, having a responsive website design is imperative for online success. New Window’s WordPress website design services are built to provide your page visitors with a positive, engaging mobile experience.


Elevate Impact

Power Up Your Brand's Potential

Website Design Services

Frequently Asked Questions

The time it takes to design a website typically ranges from 8 to 15 weeks, depending on factors such as the complexity of the site, the number of pages, and the specific features required. This timeline includes stages such as initial consultation and planning, design and development, testing, and final review. The overall duration can vary based on project requirements and the efficiency of the feedback and approval process.

To redesign your existing website, start by evaluating its current performance and identifying areas for improvement. Define your goals for the redesign, such as enhancing user experience or increasing conversions. Research competitor websites and design trends, and plan the new structure and features. Create wireframes and mockups to visualize the new design, and audit your current content to update or create new material as needed. Develop the site with a focus on responsiveness and optimization for various devices, then thoroughly test it for functionality and performance. Finally, launch the redesigned website and monitor its performance, making adjustments based on user feedback and analytics.

Responsive website design is an approach to web development that ensures a website’s layout, images, and functionalities automatically adjust and provide an optimal viewing experience across a wide range of devices, from desktops to smartphones and tablets. By using flexible grids, fluid images, and CSS media queries, a responsive design dynamically adapts to different screen sizes and orientations, eliminating the need for separate mobile versions of a site. This approach enhances user experience, improves site accessibility, and boosts search engine rankings by providing a seamless and consistent experience regardless of the device used.

SEO-friendly web design is an approach to creating websites that enhance their visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). This involves optimizing various elements, such as clean code, fast load times, mobile responsiveness, user-friendly navigation, and structured content. Incorporating relevant keywords, meta tags, and alt text for images also plays a crucial role. An SEO-friendly design ensures search engines can easily crawl and index the site, ultimately improving its discoverability and attracting more organic traffic. By aligning web design with SEO best practices, a website can achieve better search engine performance and provide a more engaging user experience.